Yet another Dataran Merdeka runs right after Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2009.
The longest distance for Siemens Run is only 10km. It is kind of short for me. Because of that, my target for this run also changes to aim for completing in faster speed.
Right before the race, I had tried few trail runs at KLCC Park just to help myself set a realistic goal for the race. Last week before the race, I finally set my goal to complete the 10km race within 50 minutes & hopefully I can get a top 100 medal.
I wear Siemens running vest on the race day & start the race at 7:30am. From all my previous run this year that I had joined, this event is the only run that didn′t use a timing chip. I really disappointed on this issue.
I run well, able to maintain high speed running from beginning till the end, nothing happened to slow my speed down. I skipped all the water stations, my entire mind is thinking of the finishing line. Finally I reached. Without a timing chip, I immediately look for the big clock on the Dataran Merdeka building, time is 8:20am. Yes, I achieved my goal. I finished 10km in 50 minutes.
I get a certificate right after the race. My time is not good enough for top 100, no medal. Although I had failed to become top 100 runners, I still curious to know how much time I need to improve to achieve the top 100 dream. But unfortunately, I find nowhere to show the results on the race day, after the race, even until today, there is no results been announced.
So, I decide to post this question to their forum & I finally get a response:
"Hi fabiolee, with respect to Siemens Men open results, i believe we dont have time records for 100 runners. Siemens Run has not introduced the timing chip system yet. However, FTAAA managed the time records for the 20 to 30 runners of the category if I am not mistaken."
No personal timing record, no medal, no results for improvement. Worst event ever.